Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Brotherly Love

These guys have been taking their baths together, which makes things a bit easier for me. They love each other already. When I got pregnant with Joshua everything was a little overwhelming, (realizing that another baby was coming so soon), but now I wouldn't change it if I could. It is so nice having them so close in age. They are very interested in each other.
Joshua hasn't been sleeping very well lately. I've been letting him "cry it out"......but there is only so much screaming one can stand. I can't wait till he starts sleeping better.
I can't wait till it warms up a bit. I havn't been walking near as much, and I've been eating too many cookies! (It's not MY fault they were on sale!) Any hoo....its cold in here. We have it programed to turn down at 10pm. And its 10:30. BRRRRRRR. Night!


J said...

Those kids of yours are so cute. That side profile of Daniel looks just like a picture of Jonathan(your brother) when he was little.
The not sleeping thing sucks. Grace went through like a two week thing of not sleeping. i got up and played with her and tried giving her bottles and then finally I let her cry and it just must of been the time she was getting ready to sleep again because she cried a few nights and then started sleeping again. AAAH motherhood. So much fun!
It is pretty cool that they can be friends. Grace knows how to get a rise out of Elijah pretty bad. I can see major fights in the future. What am I talking about I see them everyday.
Okay this is a really long comment.

Mom said...

Hi there this is gramma and I love it that you two are chatting .this is a great invention.I am looking at all the blogs and love the pictures of the babies. Gracy looks so much like Amie!!! gramma

Scott Orr said...

there is no doubt that this photo is one of the best I have ever seen!

Liz, you should submit this to a baby magazine or something.

So cute, it's going on the fridge.

(Or in the fridge, then i might see it more often)